KISS Sidewinder Rebreather Instructor MOD1 (air no deco/deco)

KISS Sidewinder Instructor


  • to be qualified as Deco Procedures Instructor
  • to hold minimum CCR Air Diluent Decompression Diver level on KISS SIDEWINDER
  • to have a minimum of 100 hours on a unit prior to assisting
  • to assist and in at least 3 classes (min one full class plus two x-over) conducted by minimum 2 different factory approved Instructors
  • to pass successfully a minimum two day Instructor Workshop with IT
  • to have unrestricted access to KISS SIDEWINDER (own unit)


  • to teach successfully a full MOD1 class under the supervision of a Factory Approved Instructor Trainer (acquiring a participant (s) of the course is the responsibility of the instructor candidate)


     • to teach a min of 6 classes of any level per year
     • exception can be done by HQ
     • if not person needs to re-qualify


  • 1000 EUR  - a two day Instructor Workshop (payment done by an instructor candidate). If one additional day of the workshop is necessary, the cost is EUR 500 EUR
  • 3300 EUR - MOD 1 class conducted by an instructor candidate (payment is done by 2 students, 1650 EUR each student) MOD 1 Diver

Price does not include:

  • Absorbent
  • Gas and required student's diving equipment 
  • Dive site entry fees, boat trips (if required)
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